About Prana - English


Prana is the Life Force that surrounds us, its around us

Surrounds the Earth

Surrounds our Solar System

Surrounds the Entire Universe

It’s the Divine Energy

Type of Prana Exercises

— Yoga

— Taichi

— Chi Kung

— Akido

— Etc

Sun Prana

— The Sun emits Light, Magnetic fields, Heat and Prana.

— Most important Prana. Reaches every microorganism on our planet and on other planet.

— Suns Prana consist of 7 Colors Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet.

To receive the Sun Prana stand in the direction of the Sun and say this simple affirmation:

Oh! Divine Sun, Thank you being here for all of us, I need your energy to heal and rejuvenate me. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Cosmic Prana

Cosmic Prana can be received from the Crown Chakra. Certain Mantras may activate the flow of Cosmic Prana.

Some examples are

Allah Uh Akbar

Om Prabrahma

Oh Divine Heavenly Father

Other Forms of Prana

1. Prana From The Air We Breath

2. Prana From Food We Eat

3. Prana From Water We Drink

4. Prana From Trees

5. Prana From Crystals

6. Prana from Holy Places

7. Prana from Holy person

8. Prana From Objects and Talisman

Air Prana

1. Indian art of breathing Pranayama is used to receive abundance of Air Prana into the Physical Body and Energy Body

2. You can see air Prana by looking at the Blue Sky and you can see white sparkles floating and moving rapidly.

3. Yogis can stay without food for many days just by receiving and be in tune with this Air Prana.

Prana from Food

1. Plants take the Prana make the required food and store them in their leaves, stems, roots and fruits.

2. Certain plants store certain aura from the sun.

3. Yogi/seers from many parts of the world have seen plants having different Prana and have used these plants for healing of the physical body which has brought about the healing of Indian Ayurveda, Indonesia, Jamu and Chinese Herbal Healing.

4. Cooked food also contains Emotional Energy like mothers’ cooking is the best cooking. There can be lots of negative emotion from restaurant food.

5. Bath with flower water can cleanse your Aura.

Prana from Water

— Water can hold an abundance of Prana

— Water received from holy places has a lot of Prana that can be used for healing.

— Healing can also be done by blessing the water with words of healing. Usually done by Muslim priest.

— Many of us have never thanked the water that we drink or bath.

— Sea water or salt water is a great cleanser of human aura.

Water Crystals

1. It has been shown by Dr.Emoto that water can be frozen and they become crystals.

2. The water crystals are affected by emotion.

3. Even just words and thoughts can change the crystals of water.

Each and every cell in our body has 72 to 75% water.

Imagine when we have negative thought how each and every cell in the body would behave and become.

We should always think and have positive thoughts.

Prana from Trees

— Trees have abundance of Prana

— Their Prana they have are Pink/Violet in colour

— Temples have Trees that provide these Prana to the whole place. Sometimes Temple and Holy Places are build under an already existing Tree that has much Prana.

— We can get Prana from trees and heal ourself by just asking

“Oh! Divine Tree, Both Of Us Are Divine Creation, Please Give Me Some Of Your Excess Energy To Heal Me And Rejuvenate Me. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.

Prana from Crystals

— Crystals can store much prana and can re-transmit this prana to anyone who requires them.

— Some crystal can activate some specific chakras and also make the aura more powerful.

— Crystal can also be programmed for protection of persons, home and offices from negative or evil energy.

— Crystal can get contaminated

— Can become negative

— Need to be program or need to reprogram

— Certain type of crystal activate certain chakras

Prana from Holy Places

— Many temple are designed to received the cosmic prana so that the temples are always charged with prana. These pyramid, doom, mineret, meru shaped structures etc are constructed such that they can receive prana.

— Prana from these holy places can be received by the disciples.

— Many structure of deities are made to energize these temples

Prana from Holy Person

— Yogi and spiritual person can provide abundance of prana to their disciples and also to anyone who needs them. Also called spiritual energy and these can heal and rejuvenate person receiving them.

— The aura of some holy people can stretch as far as many meter or maybe even kilometers.

— Prana can be transmitted by the holy person by using their palm, eyes, the brow area and also from their whole body.

Prana from Objects

— Certain Object carries a lot of Prana. Objects such as holy books, talisman, pictures and special symbols can carry a lot of Prana.

— The Bible, Koran and the Baghawagita all emits spiritual energy.

— The Prana Healing wand is a very powerful object that emits prana. This prana can be used to heal, clean homes, clean negative energies etc.